Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Hello friends...I hope you liked my post how to make a genuine Windows XP...Now I bring to you some more fun...Windows XP nolonger belongs to MICROSOFT...MICROSOFT has been owned by Extreme Hacker, even by you...This is just a prank...Do not take it otherwise...Have fun :-)

In this tip you can learn how you can insert your own logo in the system properties dialog and complete it with your own contact information.

1. To invoke the system properties dialog, click the "Start" button, right-click "My Computer" and select "Properties".This will open up your general system information dialog.

2. Now make a picture of your choice having 180 (wide) x120 (high) pixels with a .bmp extension and rename it as "oemlogo.bmp"...

3. Additionally you can create a new file and rename it as "oeminfo.ini".

4. Type the following code in "oeminfo.ini":

Manufacturer=EXTREME HACKER :-)

[Support Information]
Line1=" "
Line2=" Welcome to the world of Extreme Hacking..."
Line3=" "
Line4=" This OS nolonger belongs to Microsoft..."
Line5=" Microsoft has been owned by E.H"
Line6=" "
Line7=" "
Line9=" "
Line10=" "
Line11=" "
Line12=" http://xtrmhack.blogspot.com/"

5. Save the two files, i.e oemlogo.bmp and oeminfo.ini in "C:\WINDOWS\system32".

6. Now if you open up the system properties dialog, your own logo is in there...

7. And if you clik the "Support Information" button:

You are done...MICROSOFT is now your's...

Note: If you face any problem with the above process, just download the two premade files from HERE and save them in C:\WINDOWS\system32...You are done...

Extract the file using WinRAR.
Password: xtrmhack.blogspot.com

Happy Hacking...Enjoy...

For educational purpose only...Do not misuse it...

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